Tuesday 18 November 2014

Unbelievable, Cancer Cured By Injecting Patients With HIV Virus

We know that HIV is a killer disease but what happens when a cancer patient is injected with HIV virus and he gets better?. This is what a man called Marshall Jensen, who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia experienced lately.

Currently, it is a trial experiment and it involves implanting white blood cells with deactivated HIV and injecting them back in the body to fight off cancer‘They were a young couple. They weren’t married very long. They had a brand new little baby when all of this started,’ neighbor Lindsay Wright said.

‘We were calling it our Hail Mary pass,’ Marshall Jensen said. ‘It felt right. … We didn’t know how we were going to get out there, what we were going to do, but it worked. By God’s grace I was able to come back.’

On Thursday, a healthier Jensen returned to his neighborhood in Utah to a surprise homecoming celebration.

‘It’s a disabled virus, but it retains the one essential feature of HIV, which is the ability to insert new genes into cells,’ Dr June explained.

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